adult learners



The average age of the students is 32 years old. Many students have years of experience as a radiation therapist, have families and many life events occurring throughout the program. The program is flexible and built for adult learners.



The part-time option is flexible and supports students who continue to work during the program. GVSU allows students to continue to work at the same place as their clinical education.

Treatment Planning Labs



GVSU has it's own non-clinical Varian Eclipse treatment planning software that is accessible remotely. Lab courses teach students treatment planning skills using the Eclipse software. Check out some of the recorded lectures here: http://www.youtube.com/@dosimetryguide/videos.

GVSU supports students who have professional work experience in treatment planning. Students who have medical dosimetry professional work experience are eligible to have their work experience converted into college credits. 

See this statement from Christine Grow, B.S., RT(T), a current student who is utilizing this path:

“Traditionally becoming a CMD was accomplished through on the job training; as that route has disappeared, those of us that have cross-trained in dosimetry have been left with only one option: returning to school. Grand Valley’s professional learning option has given me graduate level credits for all the time and effort spent creating a foundation in dosimetry and then an avenue to build upon that foundation. Grand Valley’s program has offered me a more flexible and cost-efficient way to become a certified medical dosimetrist than other programs I reviewed, and all while still working in the field.  I’m extremely happy to have found a program that was able to meet me where I was at professionally and provide me with a faster route to this next step in my career.”

Page last modified December 2, 2022